- Aug 26, 2019
- anwar.murshed
- 0
For a new HS pass out, studying abroad in Bangladesh could be a totally new experience. Given the fact that most of the students in India have barely crossed the home threshold and lived independently, the transition could leave a great psychological impact. The first thing which is new to them is to get accustomed to the hostel life. Adapting to a new culture, people and atmosphere come next in line of importance. The success depends on the way the students cope with the new situation.
Things to Take Care of While Studying in Bangladesh Over the years, Bangladesh has emerged a favorite destination to study MBBS, management and engineering. A few tips could prove to be quite valuable for successfully studying in Bangladesh. Let us find out:
Be Financially Smarter: Back in home, you were more casual with your money matters. But things have changed now! You need to be more responsible to keep your expenses within the means of finance provided by your parents. Remember this is a hard earned money. You could take up to tuition for earning extra bucks. Not only this extra buck will come in handy to meet some sudden expense but also give you the freedom to indulge in little fancies like buying a Bangladeshi ‘Jamdani’ saree for your mother. Apart from this, you could finance a short trip to the scenic hills of ‘Chattagram’ in Bangladesh.
Healthy and Fit Are the Trendiest Habits: As goes the saying, ‘Health is Wealth’, one can never deny its importance. We know Bangladesh is popular for her lip smacking dishes and you can satisfy your palate in the hostel canteen but be careful! Regular consumption of spicy food dishes is not merciful towards your stomach. Thus, introduce some healthy food items like green veggies, salad and fruit juice with your regular diet.
Intelligent Socializing: Meeting new people is always good but when you are at a new place, be more careful. Socialize but with a streak of intelligence. MBBS students in Bangladesh could meet with senior doctors and faculty members. College fests are ideal venues for socializing which could be beneficial in future too. Keep in mind where to draw the line before socializing openly. Avoid troubles as much as possible.
Feel the Culture from a Close Quarter: The social makeup of Bangladeshi society is traditional. The Islamic country is flexible towards every other religious belief and practicing culture. Studying in Bangladesh gives you the scope of feeling the culture from a close quarter.
Traveling Expands the Knowledge Base: The wise men have said it right, nothing like traveling expands our knowledge base. Bangladesh is known for her scenic beauties. Be it the coasts along the Bay of Bengal, the Mangrove forests and the hills, there are numerous places in Bangladesh which are treats for eyes. New places and new people would enrich your knowledge base for sure!
Apart from the tips mentioned here, you can make further researches along the line. One can approach the overseas education consultancies operating from the Indian Metros for best study abroad admission guidance. When it is about your career, no amount of tips is enough!
Bangladesh Study Center (BDSC) is an educational consultancy firm situated at the heart Dhaka—the capital of Bangladesh. The firm provides educational Training & Consultancy services to students who have the desire and intention of studying in internationally well-reputed institutions in Bangladesh and Abroad.Office Address: BANGLADESH STUDY CENTER (BDSC) (University Application Service for International Students) Suite- 103 (2nd Floor), 4 Sobhanbag Road, Dhaka-1207, BangladeshCall/WhatsApp: +88 01712 862 669 / +88 01977 770 900 E-mail: BangladeshStudyCenter@gmail.com